How to Grow Indoor Plants: Best Indoor Plants to Grow

Usually we spent sometimes to walk in the garden. In some cases we grow plants all around our house to show the close connection between nature and human. All the greenery and fresh air produce by plants/ trees really help to distress all of our daily chores. How about when it comes to our indoor areas such as living room, bedrooms, and bathrooms? How can we grows plants and trees if we just have a small space in our house and what types of plants that we can grows?
Growing plants and trees indoor just as fun as growing them in the garden! With few tips and tricks plus with your creativity you’re going to bring in your garden into your house. It’s all start with selecting the right plants to be grown. With some information about the plants you can grow them with fewer problems.

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With the right arrangement Angel Ivy really looks majestic

Best Indoor Plants to Grow:

1. Angel Ivy Ring Topiary
Angel ivy topiary also known as wire vine is fast grown plant. It can easily shapes by using wire frame or ring. Known as Muehlenbeckia nana inLatin can accept varying temperatures but best between 65 to 85 degrees (Fahrenheit). Same as any other indoor plants just keep the plant soil moist but not soggy.
You can use all purpose fertilizer every three months but don’t fertilize it during the non-growing seasons. Remove any dry leaves or yellow leaves. Clean up the leaves from debris (dust) and prevent insect problems.
Angel ivy is suitable to keep as main spot decoration in your house. Put it in the suitable vase and use suitable frames if you need it shaped according to the frames. It will look stunning!

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You can braided the stems of this tree as you likes.
You can braided the stems of this tree as you likes.
2. Braided Ficus Tree
Braided ficus are easy to adapt your environment. The best adaptive by this type of plant is the braided stems. You can see many types of braided applied to these types of plants. Even though it can grows bigger than you can think. It’s all depending on the growing techniques that apply to it. Usually with small pot or container it will grown into medium size.
It is suitable to be located near your sliding door or window to allow enough light to come in (but avoid direct sunlight). Just keep the soil moist in term of watering. Fertilize within April to September. If you’re creative enough to do the braided by yourself you can get best result as this it keep on growing.
I know now you had different ideas about cactus
I know now you had different ideas about cactus
3. Cactus Combo Bonsai
Maybe to have cactus as our indoor plants is not a brilliant idea. With the good selection of some bonsai cactus and with some proper arrangement, it will turn to be your favorite plants instead. There are many varieties of beautiful cactus with each unique feature. All you need to do is to find the right cactus to grow.
As cactus usually grow in the desert with exposure to high and low temperature it can easily adapt the changes between hot and cold even the moisture. You can grow it in low ceramic dish or use glass bowl to make it more dramatic. If you grow it in glass bowl, just sprinkle the water to not soaking the soil.
If you decide to have a tropical theme in your house, palm can easily make it comes true
If you decide to have a tropical theme in your house, palm can easily make it comes true
4. Chamaedorea Palm
If you have tropical design in your house, then Chamaedorea Palm can be your choice of indoor plant. Grows with low light it is suitable for the spot away from your windows. It seldom grows to more than 1 meter for you to put it under your stairs.
Best if you can keep it humid by applying water mist to its leaves. It need more water with good drainage to keep the roots healthy. Use the liquid fertilizer between April to September for the growing period. Usually you need more than one plant to get a good arrangement.

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Chinese evergreen can easily grow indoor. Suitable when you need to fill in larger space
Chinese evergreen can easily grow indoor. Suitable when you need to fill in larger space
5. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen are one of the most popular indoor plant. You can easily recognize it the first time you see it. Known as Aglaonema in Latinsaid to have highly efficiency in removing formaldehyde and xylene from air. If you’re interested with this plant just be careful when taking care of it as it’s also toxic.
As the easiest plants to grow indoor the Chinese Evergreen needs very low light condition to bright. For the temperature, the best will be in range of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is not suitable to a very cold condition.
If you grows Chinese Evergreen just make sure the soil have proper drainage. Add enough sand or perlite to the soil that you use. Besides good drainage it also requires some moisture. You can use water mist or water inside a pebble tray so the water will evaporates from the tray.
The best thing about Chinese Evergreen is the propagation techniques. You can just easily use the new shoots that grow around the stem. It also propagated easily with its rooting stem.
Miniature herbs looks as tastier as its taste!
Miniature herbs looks as tastier as its taste!
6. Miniature Herb Standard Topiaries
These next best indoor plants are instead very useful to be in the kitchen. The miniature herbs are not just beautiful but also add some fragrances to your indoor. With combination of herbs such as lavender, rosemary and serissa you can get a combination of somber yet luxurious fragrant by the green foliage of lavender.
When you use herbs as your indoor plants, all you just need to add are some creativity to make it look more than just herb. Use the formal container to make it looks traditional or you can use baskets and clay pots to change the way of it appearance.
As usual herbs need to be watered regularly but not soggy. Keep the moisture in the soil and avoid over dry. Softened water also can damage your plant. While winter keep your plants indoor with exposed to bright or direct light.    
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Suitable indoor orchid if you loves tropical theme
Suitable indoor orchid if you loves tropical theme
7. Moth Orchid, Novelty Stripes
Moth orchid also known as Phalaenopsis Orchids are popular easily grows indoor. This type of orchids can be easily grown even by beginner planter. Moth orchid not only popular for its easy to grow but also have a beautiful flower and sometimes last up to 3 months.
Today many varieties of moth orchids produce from hybridized to produce colorful flowers and interesting blossoms. It requires appropriate light, water, temperature, fertilizer and humidity. In order to help this orchids grow healthy we should keep the environment to be humid as in the tropical forest. We can either mist the plants or by using humidity tray.
While the temperature for their optimum growth will be around 55 to 75 degree Fahrenheit. While for the fertilizer use the slow fertilizer twice a month but you can use high nitrogen fertilizer (30-10-10) during the summer.
Unique and totally easy to handle
Unique and totally easy to handle
8. Ponytail Palm
Another type of palm that popular as indoor plants is ponytail. With the base of its trunk look bigger it’s also known as “elephant foot” or in Latin‘Beaucarnea recurvata’. You can keep it in any light condition even though it is better to be in bright light). While you don’t have to worry if you forget to watering it, just make sure not overwatering. The trunk can keep the moisture for future usage - so that’s why it looks bigger.
While the other enemy for pony tails palm are insects. Take precaution by inspecting the undersides on its leaves for any mealy bug symptoms. It you need to cut the foliage this plant will grow it back pretty quick. It will also make the trunk bulb getting larger. Pony tail palm also used as one of the plants for cactus potting mix.
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A Bonsai Juniper Tree 4 Years OldA Bonsai Juniper Tree 4 Years Old
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Brussel's CT9005CE Chinese Elm BonsaiBrussel's CT9005CE Chinese Elm Bonsai
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Its looks like the whole forest grow in this dish
Its looks like the whole forest grow in this dish
9. Tropical Combo Bonsai
For tropical combo bonsai you can imagine just like cactus combo, it’s actually a combination of tropical bonsai trees in one container. For the tropical combo the main things you need to understand are the combination trees or design. Having few types of trees in one pot or tray need you to understand each character of the tree.
Most of tropical bonsai need special care especially on how to apply the fertilizer and the pruning process. If you’re new with bonsai find someone who can help you to give some advice about your bonsai care. Your bonsai can turn into full grown tree if you’re not taking good care of it.
Other related caring for the bonsai just as any other indoor plants. Anyway you need to be aware if the combination trees are varies. Take your time to study about bonsai if you think you want to keep it.
How your plant start attracting viewer
How your plant start attracting viewer
10. Amaryllis
Amaryllis looks tropical and exotic. With many types of flower you can have few varieties of amaryllis inside your house. Amaryllis flower can bloom up to 7 weeks or longer. Maybe that’s the good news you’re waiting to hear.
This flower propagates by its bulb. So you need to make sure the container will allow the bulb grows easily, you can change the flower pot as the bulb get larger. Take care of your amaryllis by providing enough light but not direct sunlight. As this plant keep moisture (watery leaves and steams) make sure you never let it over dry (too much heat). Moist but not soggy!
So there you go all the best indoor plants for you to consider having it inside your house. Let the greenery and the freshness of indoor air wash away your daily stress. By keeping your favorite indoor plants it just like having another thing to taking cares of (same as your pets or spending your time with the socials websites). Maybe having indoor plants is going to be the next thing you’re going to do. Please make sure you get the basic info to make sure you investment worth.  Be Happy.

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