Funny Photos

There are many pics we can found all across the net these days. Finding and sharing these kind of pics can be very entertaining. So here today I will share some of the pics that I found recently… sure there are more, for today I will share few of it first.

Blowing cloud trumpet;
Blame the trumpet blower next time when its’ raining. Hahaha… but the cloud seem perfectly came out from the trumpet that was blown by these statues, great idea.

Ice cream cloud;
Tastier than vanilla I guess! Perhaps not available at nearby shops. This kind of pic required perfect time and place to get the right picture setup. Kind of cool right!

Another drone!
I know this must be the new drone! Use by army to take surveillance photos of places from the air, or this stork here take the job to spread the chemtrail!

Natures’ watching us;
This is another proof that nature always watching and laughing at us human try to change our lives. Sometimes this kind of wonder kind of hard to accept when there are so many technologies to change photo to look realistic… but the truth they always watching us!

Stop the plane;
I thought the stone statue can’t stand the noise from the plane. Make sure next time your plane don’t come across their place.

If you find these kinds of funny pics kindly share it with us. Have a nice day and keep on looking for every moment that reveals the second sights.

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