Araucaria Beautiful Pine for Indoor

Araucaria in pot
Araucaria grows healthily in pot.

Araucaria (Araucariacae) native to the Norfolk Island in the Pacific Ocean (next to Australia) is actually a big tree than grows up 200 ft. in the wild. It’s a fern-like tree valued for its delicate foliage and horizontally tiered shoots. It will grow very slowly in the pot and seldom reaches more than 6 ft. in height and 3 ft. in diameter, this tree suitable to decorate the porches, halls and stairways – usually in pairs or more indoor or outdoor. Thrives well both in indirect sunlight or shade. It is also being used as a Christmas three. The other species of this tree can also be found in eastern Australia, New Guinea, Argentina, Chile, and Southern Brazil.

It has bright green, awl-shaped needles form thickly on the tiered shoots and have a soft mossy feel on young growth. It will turn stiffer and pricklier as they age. When the needles drop from the trunk they will reveal a scaly bark.

Araucaria close up
A closer look at the top part of the Araucaria tree.

Buying Hints: Available from garden centers and florist. Even though in can be little bit expensive they are durable. Select the tree with size around 12 – 18 in young pot plants with perfect leading shoots and symmetrically arranged tiers of bright green branches. Any discoloration on leaves or broken trunk should be avoided.

General Care: Araucaria is a tolerant plant and grows well in a peat or loam-based potting compost. Young plants should be potted on annually until they are in 8 – 10 in pots. Mature plants are easily kept healthy by changing an inch or so of the top compost.

Light: Best in light shades area with well-ventilated such as big hall or in front door areas. As long as not place into direct sunlight that can scorch their leaves. High moisture also can be very good for it.

Araucaria leaves
A healthy leaves of mature Araucaria leaves.

Temperature: Lower temperature can be tolerated until 45 °F and it still can retain a good its bright green color. It is not so sensitive to temperature as long as not too hot or too cold.

Humidity: Moisture is very important especially during growing period from spring to late summer. Whether sprays with water or to be set above moisture tray of pebbles and water.

Watering and Feeding: Water freely from March to September and keep the soil moisture. Feed can be applied every twice a week with dilute manure. Foliage feed also can be used to spur new growth especially for the plants that have not been potted on. In winter just make sure that the compost is not dry.

Araucaria bonsai
Bonsai Araucaria.

Propagation: Propagation by seeds starts in spring, or by cutting of 3 in long side shoots in spring and summer. These should be raised in propagator at temperature of about 65 °F.

Disorder: With a good care Araucaria is very durable plant, avoid placing it too near a radiator or bright light source which may cause the leaves to shrivel.

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