Best Indoor Plants to Have Inside Your Home

Scindapsus the easiest to take care for indoor plant.

Indoor plants can be soothing for the eyes of the owner so on to the visitors. Usually the indoor plants that we choose for the purpose of decorating should fulfill few characteristics depend on the owners. Having decorating plants indoor mean that you should have enough time to take care for them to make sure they can survive longer.

In many cases foliage plants can be much easier to take care for their characteristics will remain for a longer period of time. Since many plants from this type are also tropical and sub-tropical plants, taking take of it during the winter can be little bit tricky – as long as there are not keep it the freezing cold.

Here in this article, we are going to see some plants that suitable to be planted inside your house or office. Foliage plants in this list are popular types of plants that keep by most of plants lover and can be found at many suppliers.

- Asparagus (Liliaceae)

- Aspidistra (Liliaceae)

Some Begonias also have beautiful flowers.

- Caladium (Araceae)

- Calathea (Marantaceae)

- Ceropegia (Asclepiadaceae)

- Chamaedorea (Palmae)

- Chlorophytum (Liliaceae)

- Cissus (Vitaceae)

- Codiaeum (Euphorbiaceae)

- Coleus (Labiatae)

- Cordyline (Agavaceae)

- Cyperus (Cyperaceae)

- Dieffenbachia (Araceae)

- Dizygotheca (Araliaceae)

- Dracaena (Agavaceae)

- Fatshedera (Araliaceae)

- Fatsia (Araliaceae)

- Ficus (Moraceae)

- Fittonia (Acanthaceae)

- Gynura (Compositae)

- Hedera (Araliaceae)

- Heptapleurum (Araliaceae)

- Howea (Palmae)

- Maranta (Marantaceae)

- Monstera (Araceae)

- Pandanus (Pandanaceae)

- Peperomia (Piperaceae)

- Philodendron (Araceae)

- Philea (Urticaceae)

- Plectranthus (Labiatae)

- Rhoeo (Commelinaceae)

- Sansevieria (Agavaceae)

- Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae)

- Schefflera (Araliaceae)

- Scindapsus (Araceae)

- Selaginella (Selaginellaceae)

- Sonerila (Melastomataceae)

- Syngonium (Araceae)

- Tradescantia (Commelinaceae)

- Zebrina (Commelinaceae)

Sansevieria can easily transform your indoor decoration.

Those lists above contain many types of indoor plants that suite all your indoor plants need. Whether you want it to be little shorter such as Asparagus, Begonia and Pilea or you can choose something unique such as Gynura, Monstera, Pandanus (scented) and Sansevieria, all of these indoor plants are easy to take care. In most cases the easiest and what I always choose is Scindapsus – since it can be planted only in water (so you can put it in beautiful glass vase).

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