How you’re trained by your trainer (yourself).

Self coaching will provide various approaches with flexible time frames.
Self coaching will provide various approaches with flexible time frames.
It’s nice to learn something new (if you’re really enjoying learning) especially when you’re trained by special trainer. Trainers are formerly known as a teacher just a little bit different that they’re coaching instead of just teaching you how to do this and that.
When the words are different they are different in meaning
Teaching and coaching are two different things that most of us didn’t realize. Teaching is more on giving you information about something. While extra information will be added during discussion session for further understanding.
Trainer goes beyond teaching where they will give you extra experiences in the coaching process. Here they will put you in the practical condition that will allow you to understand more about the subject that you’re learning. Perhaps you will understand it better (perform better if it’s in the case ofphysical skills).
Good trainer will trace your progressthrough charts and checklist to ensure you meet the required skills. They will ensure all skills will be mastered inprovided timeframe; where this is essential when it comes to time goals instead of just skills goals.

How to be self trainer to yourself?

If you can understand coaching principal, you can apply it to yourself for self coaching. Self coaching can produce good result just like you trained by other trainer/ coach.
Set the goals
Set your goals clearly that is achievable. Remember that you don’t have to be afraid to set these goals since you’re on the process of findings the required information, let say you’re going to learn new languages (that’s what I always do for my selves coaching). So the required skills that I need are; understanding, pronunciation and able to speak (constructing the words in the new languages).
Set the time frame
As we’re the new leaner don’t rush! Just allow yourself to learn free and easy. Make your learning process always be fun. Set your goals into few stages.
  1. Introductionwhere you just get a general ideas about your new learning areas.
  2. Go foressentialsbut not go for the hard parts (such as grammar, adverbs and the technical areas). These skills will grow naturally as you keep continuing to rest of your training activities.
  3. Test your understanding while enjoying movies (in the new languages that you learn). As now you begin to learn more words and phrases. Most ofnatural words structures only can be found in movies. This activity is important to make sure you discover various of sentences structure (spoken in daily lives).
  4. Get the right pronunciation and the feelings by singing the songs in the new languages. Singings will help you to improve the pronunciation. In my experiences, the best pronunciation practice can be achieved through singing.
  5. Go beyond expectation. Read the literature, news and write in the new languages that you mastered and keep improving.
Set the time frame suitable with the time you’ll provide to spend on learning/ practice your new skills. One the time decided. Put on the evaluation marks such as 1 - 5 to indicate the result from poor to satisfy. If the result are lower than average you need to evaluate your approach until you get the required result.

Pros and cons of self learning

When it comes to self learning the most important that peoples get a problem with is the consistency of following the schedule. In order to help you more motivated in our goals we need to be cleared with the reasonswhy we need to acquire the new skills. Different peoples will have different reasons but with one good reason ones will put their full effort in their goals.
The best thing for self coaching will always be the flexibility of times and approach that you want to use. All things you need to make sure are the honesty to yourself when you do the evaluation (as you need to do it for you).
Self coaching if mastered will help you to improve your skills in many areas. In other words you’ll save lots of money in order to learn new things. Instead you also can coach others (perhaps be paid). Remember it always take sometimes to master something. Always improve your approaches skills with the result that come out from the evaluation result.

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